Tuesday, September 3, 2019


ok so far.... in my 19 years of life,
this is the first time connecting to blogger because I want to record something in my own way but not exposing it really to the public.

And yeahhhh, INTRODUCTION first,
My name is Ruooooo.qi, and I am currently studying in Nanyang Technological University(Singapore), dealing with biology and chemistry that makes me blow up!??(hahahahhhh) I have cca likes Chinese orchestra, Chinese dance.

And ok my dream is to TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD in 80daysssssss(hahahahahha)
it is unrealistic, but I am serious... (actually I wanted to travel without thinking of financial problemsss for the whole lifelong, not only 80days...ermmmmm difficult to realize haha)

So Say hi to all of you guys and hope we can accompany each other in future days even we do not know each other in person, but in soul.

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  看到好幾個月前的 memo ,決定記錄一下這部也是賺滿我眼淚的電視劇。 曉曉是麻洋街的大姐學霸,曾經的小劍也是。他們是青梅竹馬,是麻洋街最登對的一對。 好景不長,小劍因爲一些原因,只好輟學,表面上不學無術,背地裏其實是臥底警察。   曉曉的身上一直有淡淡的憂傷...